If you are an insurance professional, keeping up with all of the latest developments in the business and the laws affecting that business can make all the difference between a mediocre agent and a great one. Likewise, consumers looking to keep tabs on the way the insurance industry functions to save money while acquiring the best coverage need a source of information. For consumers and industry insiders magazines about insurance can be a vital source of insurance knowledge. Here are three suggestions for insurance magazines.
- Risk and Insurance Online
- A.M.Best Company
- Insurance Journal Magazine
While Risk and Insurance’s traditional paper magazine is not a bad choice, its website adds the ability to easily take it with you wherever you go through your mobile device. The magazine offers its readers a source of news affecting the industry. A recent post detailed the implications of a death by roller coaster at a Six Flags in Dallas. Since theme parks have to comply with rigorous safety measures in order to be insured the topic is relevant to insurance pros. The site also discusses trends in pricing following events like Super Storm Sandy. For the agent or consumer on the go this is a solid choice.
A.M. Best provides an online outlet that is tailored more toward providing reviews for services and articles about those services. For instance, the site features a wide variety of information detailing the current switch of insurance providers to a retail model. Other important issues affecting Americans, like the increased issuance of debt and certain predatory practices by a minority of insurance providers, are also discussed. For those looking for an entry point to the world of insurance, the page also lists its employment opportunities on site. This is a great choice for people in the business searching for magazines about insurance.
If you are looking for online and offline magazines about insurnace then Insurance Journal is one of your best choices. Not only does the site offer a weekly news letter detailing all the big stories in the industry, it also offers daily updates on the stories professionals should be kept aware of. It discusses the types of coverage people should have based on their employment type and helps to instruct insurance pros on how to maintain their jobs.
Whether you are an insurance agent, a corporate head, or an everyday consumer of insurance services finding magazines about insurance is a great way to keep up with the ever changing industry. For professionals, these titles offer a vast sea of knowledge to help you be the best at your job. For consumers, these magazines offer an insight into the field and tips on how to get the most bang for your buck.